Broadcasting Live – Why it May Not Be the Best Choice for You

Live streaming refers to webcasting media being played and recorded live in real time without downloading the media first. Generally it is commonly referred to as live streaming, but really this shortened term is pretty ambiguous since “Streaming” can also refer to any media transmitted and played back simultaneously, without the need of a full downloaded play list.
With that said, one should always keep things in perspective when considering the differences between streaming and webcasting. While webcasting does require certain software and setup on the part of the user or web entertainer, streaming requires nothing more than a simple Internet connection and a browser.
These 2 factors have made live streaming Singaporequite popular these days; especially since most computers come bundled with webcasting software these days.
One big difference between live streaming and traditional webcasting is the level of interactivity available to viewers. With traditional webcasting, the streamer needs to wait for each frame of the video as it is being played. With live streaming, the streamer does not have to worry about watching a long video like in traditional webcasting.
Viewers may be able to interact with the stream, ask for particular feeds, and cast their own comments. This means that the stream will be much more dynamic, allowing viewers to get involved with the entertainment experience.
Therefore, if you are planning on broadcasting live, especially to audiences consisting of younger people, you should know that you are taking a lot of responsibility. As a streamer, you have to be able to deal with your audience and cater to their fast-paced lifestyles. It would be better to consider hiring a qualified company that offers expertise in the field of live streaming.